2024. 09. 26
Webinar OnlyMedicine to Reopen the World
Online event
Event times (ET)
1 pm - 2 pm
Event fees
COVID-19 is a giant health and economic challenge that requires the best of our current knowledge in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The world economic progress and the level of human activity have come to a halt more quickly than past pandemics. The effectiveness of the health care workforce is essential for any recovery.
Despite the advances in biological sciences, humanity is holding its breath on the development of therapeutics and vaccines to restore people’s confidence and resume our life journeys. Breakthroughs in mRNA, monoclonal antibodies, molecular engineering, chemical synthesis, drug delivery and rapid green manufacturing as well as information and communication technologies are being put to the test on a timeline unimaginable only months ago. We hope to compress vaccine development and delivery from one decade into less than a year.
The economic impact of the pandemic response of the health care sector combined with the manufacturing ramp up of therapeutics and vaccines is enormous and it demands highly adaptable business strategies. Join us to learn the insights of experts in global health, economics and business.