Cheol Park
NASA, Langley Research Center
Senior Researcher
Cheol Park is a senior researcher and a member of NASA Inventors Hall of Fame. His research specializes in nanotube synthesis/dispersion, sensing/actuation of nanocomposites, chiral polymer metamaterials, radiation shielding materials, and thermal protection systems. For his pioneering work on boron nitride nanotube and personal protective equipment decontamination, he received NASA awards for Invention of the Year Award, Exceptional Scientific Achievement, and Group Silver Achievement Medal (National Pandemic Response Team). He holds a PhD in Macromolecular Science and Engineering (UMichigan).
2023-08 Abstract Title: Multifunctional Structural Materials for Sustainable Human Exploration in Extreme Space Environments
Abstract Body: Extreme space environments such as space vacuum, radiation, jagged lunar dust, microgravity, high thermal excursion, micrometeoroids, thrust plume ejecta, seismic events, and their synergistically-adverse effects make sustainable space exploration extremely challenging. More robust and sustainable advanced materials and structures are needed to protect crew and equipment to extend space missions longer and safer with minimum service and repair needs. Recent progress of NASA efforts on sustainable multifunctional structural materials will be introduced.