Eric Kort
University of Michigan
Associate Professor
Climate and Space Sciences & Engineering
Bio: Dr. Eric Kort is an Associate Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan. His work has advanced our ability to observe and quantify human impacts on the atmosphere using airborne and satellite observations. His work has been foundational in studying fossil methane emissions, has impacted policy decision-making, and has advanced our ability to understand emissions of flares, cities, and agricultural regions. Dr. Kort is a recipient of early career awards from NASA and NSF.
2022-08 Abstract Title: Using aircraft and satellite observations to study human influences on greenhouse gases
Abstract Body: Human activities that emit greenhouse gases are undergoing rapid shifts in response to technological, economic, and regulatory pressures. In this dynamic environment, our knowledge of current emissions is often surprisingly incomplete, and this hinders society’s ability to plan effective mitigation actions. In this talk, I will show advances in satellite and airborne measurements that now enable identification of sources and quantification of emissions. These advances provide new, actionable information to empower informed societal decision-making.