John Vickers
NASA Huntsville
Principal Technologist
Bio: John Vickers is currently the NASA principal technologist in the area of advanced manufacturing. He also serves as the Associate Director of the Materials and Processes Laboratory at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and as the Manager of the NASA National Center for Advanced Manufacturing. As principal technologist, he leads the nationwide NASA team to develop advanced manufacturing technology strategies to achieve the goals of NASA’s missions. In this role he represents the Agency supporting the President’s National Manufacturing Initiative and the Interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, which includes participation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, NASA, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies. He also he leads the NASA Technology Roadmap effort for “Materials, Structures, Mechanisms and Manufacturing.”
Abstract 1 Title: NASA Composites Technology – A Chronicle
Abstract 1 Body: Advancements in composites materials and manufacturing support the future of space exploration as well as national competitiveness needs. NASA research and development efforts in composites materials over the past 25 years have been well integrated across the TRL spectrum. NASA is seeking to take advantage of spacecraft applications that would benefit from substantial weight savings and important cost savings compared to traditional state-of-the-art materials. This presentation examines past and present NASA R&D efforts, together with the technical and cultural barriers, and future directions of research and innovation.
Abstract 2 Title: Overview of Additive Manufacturing and In-Space Manufacturing at NASA
Abstract 2 Body: NASA is rapidly advancing additive manufacturing technology to support NASA missions in space exploration, science, aeronautics, and technology, as well as the aerospace industry, other Government Agencies, and to address related national needs. NASA performs this work at NASA Centers, through contracts/grants and in public private partnerships. NASA’s focus is generally on applied research and development activities where substantial enhancements in NASA mission capabilities are needed. NASA has extensive experience in additive manufacturing technologies with involvement in more than 30 different machine systems in the past 30 years. NASA is taking a lead role in areas specific to NASA missions such as propulsion and in-space manufacturing and not trying to lead in all AM technology areas. NASA’s in-space manufacturing objective is to identify and implement on-demand manufacturing solutions for fabrication, maintenance, and repair required for sustainable Exploration Missions. The Agency portfolio spans a range of mission applications and discipline areas such as computational modeling, design, materials, processes and certification across technology readiness levels/manufacturing readiness levels (TRLs/MRLs).