Joseph Moebus
ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company
Advanced Research Data Scientist
Joseph (Joe) Moebus was born in Durham, NC, and received his MS in Applied Physics (2009) from Appalachian State University. While completing his coursework, he interned at NASA Kennedy Space Center in the Electrostatics and Surface Physics Lab. Upon graduation, Joe consulted to ExxonMobil focusing on electrostatic measurement and mitigation in commercial processes. In 2014, Joe was hired into the ExxonMobil Chemical company and has had multiple roles focusing on data analytics and modelling of chemical processes and material properties.
2023 ACS Fall POLY: CME NASA Symposium Abstract
Polymer Structure-property with Machine Learning Models
Improving polymer properties provides opportunities in developing new applications. However, trial-and-error methods cannot meet the current need for new materials. We demonstrate the utility of Machine Learning (ML) in creating structure-property models.
We will present the integration of polymer characterization data sets and the application of ML to exemplify an approach to polymer development. This approach afforded us the ability to generate predictive capability for performance attributes which we expect to become the basis of an improved unified framework.