Julie Kleinhenz


Research Engineer, Glenn Research Center

As an experimentalist, most of my career has focused on studies involving space-relevant environments. This includes both laboratory scale work, which I perform independently, and larger scale facility tests where I lead other engineers and technicians. I am active in all aspects of the process from facility build-up and configuration, defining test conditions and procedures, hardware/software preparation, test conducting, data post processing and analysis, and publication. I regularly interface with external partners to integrate hardware, cost, plan, and conduct tests. The facilities I have worked with are vacuum or low-pressure chamber facilities including thermal vacuum (lunar-like environment), reduced-pressure combustion chambers (mixed oxygen), and an altitude combustion (rocket) test stand. I also have extensive experience working with Lunar Regolith Simulants for both reaction and soil mechanics studies.

I am also active in numerous educational outreach and professional activities including:
• American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Northern Ohio Section: K-12 STEM Chairman
• AIAA Space Resources Technical Committee: Chairman
• Co-Coordinator for annual “Young Astronaut Day” event: STEM competition for 350students, grades 1-12), http://aiaanos.org/yad
• Coordination team (4 person) for NASA/Girl Scout partnership