Kim Budil

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Director Kim Budil leads a workforce of nearly 8,400 employees and manages an annual operating budget of approximately $2.9 billion. Budil has more than three decades of experience across LLNL’s scientific and national security programs. She also served as the Vice President for National Laboratories at the University of California Office of the President. She has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied science/engineering from University of California, Davis.

2023 ACS Fall POLY: CME NASA Symposium Abstract

Accelerated Development of Advanced Materials for Diverse Mission Needs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

The convergence of machine learning and high-performance computing, advanced manufacturing, and automation promises to accelerate the development of advanced materials from concept to demonstration. LLNL has developed an ecosystem of facilities and capabilities in these areas that can work in a holistic manner to accelerate materials development and scale up. In this presentation, we detail how this ecosystem has been used on materials systems for a diverse set of applications ranging from national security to clean energy and beyond.

Co-Authors: Glenn A. Fox – Associate Director, Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Anthony W. Van Buuren – Deputy Associate Director for Science & Technology in the Physical and Life Sciences (PLS) Directorate, Mayalibo J. Matthews – Division Leader, Materials Science Division