Ksenia Takhistova

LCM Biosensor Chief Legal Officer

CME Co-Chair & General Counsel

ACS Member

CME Co-Chair and General Counsel, Ms. Ksenia Takhistova is an experienced IP litigator and technology attorney who counsels clients on US intellectual property law issues across a wide variety of modern and emerging technologies. She has substantial experience in all aspects of litigation, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in patent cases, including Hatch-Waxman litigations, before the Federal District Courts, at the International Trade Commission, in post-grant proceedings at the US Patent and Trademark Office, and in appeals from these proceedings.

She has also handled other IP-related disputes, including trade secret, false advertising, and antitrust issues, in both Federal and State Courts. Ksenia represents clients in transactions, such as settlement negotiations and IP licensing discussions, and performs due diligence and opinion work, including freedom-to-operate, patentability, infringement and validity analyses. Drawing on her extensive educational and research background in the mechanical and chemical engineering arts, she is able to effectively handle disputes in technical fields, such as mechanical and medical devices, electrical and computer technology, life sciences, chemical, materials, and consumer products.