Marilyn Simons

Simons Foundation


2018 Honoree for Outstanding STEM Philanthropy

2018 CME STEM Leadership Award Honoree for Outstanding STEM Philanthropy.

Marilyn Hawrys Simons is President of the Simons Foundation, one of the country’s leading private funders of basic scientific research. She has more than 25 years of experience actively supporting nonprofit organizations in New York City and Long Island. Marilyn has been involved in K-12 education for underserved communities. She is vice president of the board of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, an outstanding U.S. research facility specializing in molecular biology and genetics, and a board member of the Turkana Basin Institute that supports projects in Kenya, the LearningSpring School which helps autistic children and the East Harlem Scholars Academy in New York City. Marilyn received a B.A. and Ph.D. in economics from The State University of New York at Stony Brook.