Rocco Viggiano

NASA Glenn
Dr. Rocco Viggiano is a polymer chemist in the Materials Chemistry and Physics Branch of the Materials and Structures division at the NASA Glenn Research Center, where he has been since his start in September of 2015. He earned Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and in Plastics Engineering as well as a minor in Physics at Penn State University. He completed his Ph.D. in Macromolecular Science and Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2015 under the direction of Dr. David Schiraldi and Dr. Mary Ann Meador with a focus on the synthesis and processing of aerogels. During his time at NASA, he has developed novel aerogel chemistries as well as battery components. These have included the development of more dimensionally stable polyimide aerogels at elevated temperatures, thermally reversible polyimide gel chemistries for carbon nanotube wire coating and a non-flammable separator/electrolyte composition for lithium-ion batteries.