Ron Cascone

Principal, Energy and Chemicals
Ron Cascone, is a Principal in the Energy and Chemicals Advisory at Nexant, Inc. and a leader in bio-renewables. Ron has 50 years of experience in technical, economic, and business feasibility analyses and finance due diligence in first-of-kind projects. Ron has knowlege of bio-based materials, bio-based processing, and waste disposal. He has authored reports on advanced liquid biofuels, including by gasification, fermentation, pyrolysis and chemical conversion. Chemicals examined include bio-alcohols, bio-olefins, bio-aromatics, terpenes, and other renewable chemicals from sugars, grains, biomass, solid and gaseous wastes, oilseeds and fats, algae, and bio-based feedstocks. Ron majored in chemical engineering at Manhattan College and Columbia University. He holds two US patents in synfuels. .