2022 CME NASA Symposium
ACS Fall 2022
Chicago, Illinois

2022 CME NASA Symposium

Sponsored by I&EC: Chemistry for
Sustainable Human Space Exploration

2022. 08. 22-23 In-Person W190a and Online

Schedule 8/22 AM PM and 8/23 AM


McCormick W190a
Chicago, Illinois

Event times (ET)

Mon 8/22
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Morning & Afternoon Sessions

Tue 8/23
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Morning Session

Event fees

Only for registrants of the ACS Fall 2022 at ACS.org


This two-day symposium is organized by CME and NASA with the principal sponsorship of the ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (I&EC). This symposium is part of the five-day ACS Fall 2022 Meeting at the Chicago McCormick Convention Center. Over 2,800 STEM professionals and students have attended past CME NASA Symposiums from 2017 to 2021.

A separate free meeting is the CME NASA Sustainability Symposium to be held at UChicago.

The CME NASA STEM Events focus on bringing together industry, academia, government and the public to enlarge and enhance the global STEM talent pool. Events will feature the sustainability of cutting-edge innovations in the chemical sciences to advance human space travel to the solar system and beyond, and translate them into new knowledge to improve the lives of people and make their dreams a reality. Two days packed with inspirational research, industry, jobs and new STEM career paths.


Symposium – ACS McCormick Place West – Room W190a
To attend the Symposium, you must also register at ACS.org
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM NASA Session
2:00 PM – 5:55 PM NASA Session and CME PMSE Student & Mentor Award talks


(AM) Symposium – ACS McCormick Place West – Room W190a
To attend the Symposium, you must also register at ACS.org
8:00 AM – 12 PM – CME Panels, Keynote, and Lectures
12:00 – 10:00 PM – CME Shuttle Bus Transportation from McCormick West to Rubenstein Forum. Roundtrip may vary from 30 to 50 minutes. The bus stop will be located on Martin Luther King Dr. at Gate# 42 near room W196.

(PM) Free Sustainability Conference and Awards Dinner – UChicago Rubenstein Forum
12:45 pm – 1:30 pm – Registration
1:30 pm – 6:00 pm – CME NASA Sustainability Conference
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm – CME Reception
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – CME Dinner and STEM Leadership Awards Presentation

Please register for both the Symposium and the free Conference using the same link at the top right of this webpage.

8/23 CME Lectures: Keynote & Nobel Laureate

Kate Calvin


Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor

Sir Fraser Stoddart

Northwestern University

2016 Nobel Laureate

8/23 CME Lecturers

Chad Mirkin

Northwestern University


James Green


Sr Advisor, Former Chief Scientist
2018 STEM Leadership Awardee for Propelling Science

8/22 PM CME PMSE Student Awardees

Vivian Feig


Schmidt Science Fellow
Postdoctoral Researcher

Spyridon Varlas

University of Sheffield

Research Associate
Armes Group

8/22 PM CME PMSE Mentor Awardees

Zhenan Bao

Stanford University

K.K. Lee Professor

Rachel O’Reilly

University of Birmingham



Co-organized by the Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering (PMSE) Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society with over 150,000 members, and conceived and sponsored exclusively by CME, the original annual ACS Global Outstanding Student and Mentor Awards in Polymer Science and Engineering offers two student cash prizes of $7,500 each. The past selection committee was conformed by the following eminent researches:

  • Professor Bert Meijer, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Professor Takuzo Aida, Tokyo University, Japan
  • Professor LaShanda Korley, University of Delaware, USA
  • Professor Sarah Heishorn, Stanford University, USA
  • Dr. Qinghuang Lin, Lam Research, USA

For information on nominations, go to: https://pmsedivision.org/global-outstanding-student-award/


2022 CME NASA Space Age Chemistry.

PDF format3.43 MB

8/22-23 I&EC 005 Fifth CME NASA Symposium featuring Fraser Stoddard, Chad Mirkin, James Green and thought leaders in industry, academia and government.

Day 1 AM - I&EC 005A


AM Session Schedule

8:00 am - 11:55 am


NASA Research Presentations


Session Chair: James Green, Steve Barnett, Shah Karim

8:00 am
Sally Pusede
Assistant Professor

Observing Air Pollution Inequality from Space

8:25 am
Rosa Fitzgerald
Professor, Physics

Air Pollution in Desert and Nearby Metropolitan Areas

8:50 am
Jun Wang
James E. Ashton Professor

Satellite observations of atmospheric composition and wildfires for air quality and climate change

9:15 am
Eric Kort
Associate Professor

Using aircraft and satellite observations to study human influences on greenhouse gases

9:40 am


9:55 am
Jack Kaye
Associate Director for Research

Chemistry, Space, and Earth’s Future: How NASA Help us Understand Today’s Changing Earth and Anticipate its Future

10:25 am
Jennifer Gustetic
Director, Early-Stage Innovations & Partnerships

Innovation in Sustainability through Early-Stage Partnerships at NASA

10:55 am
Ioannis Chasiotis
Professor, Associate Head

Durability Studies of Advanced Materials for deployment to Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

11:25 am
Emilie Siochi
Research Materials Engineer

Accelerating the Maturation and Adoption of New Technologies

11:55 am

Session Ends

AM Session Chairs

James Green


Sr Advisor, Former Chief Scientist
2018 STEM Leadership Awardee for Propelling Science

Steve Barnett

CME Board Member

Atty. Environmental Health & Safety

Shah Karim

CME Co-Chair

SafeRock CEO

AM Session Speakers

Sally Pusede

University of Virginia

Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science

Rosa Fitzgerald

University of Texas, El Paso

Professor, Physics

Jun Wang

University of Iowa

James E. Ashton Professor

Eric Kort

University of Michigan

Associate Professor
Climate and Space Sciences & Engineering

Jack Kaye


Associate Director for Research
NASA HQ Earth Science Division

Jennifer Gustetic


Director, Early-Stage Innovations & Partnerships
Space Technology Mission Directorate

Ioannis Chasiotis

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Professor, Associate Head
Director of Graduate Studies

Emilie Siochi

NASA Langley Research Center

Research Materials Engineer

Day 1 PM - I&EC 005B

NASA Talks

PM Session Schedule

2:00 pm - 5:55 pm


NASA Research and PMSE Student & Mentor Award Winner Presentations


Session Chairs: Ksenia Takhistova, George Rodriguez

2:00 pm
Stephanie Vivod
Chemical Engineer

Polymer Aerogels for Lunar Applications and Beyond

2:25 pm
Stuart Rowan
Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering

Toward Pluripotent Materials

2:50 pm
Matthew Tirrell
Dean, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Hetero-charged polymer systems with applications from marine biology to biomedicine

3:15 pm
Nuno Almeida
Research Associate

Transition metal oxide catalysts and routes towards accurate thermochemistry processes

3:40 pm


3:55 pm
Vivian Feig
Schmidt Science Fellow

Conductive hydrogels for next-generation bio-electronic interfaces: stiffness, stretchability, and dimensionality

4:25 pm
Zhenan Bao
K.K. Lee Professor

Engineering Soft Polymer Electronics for Bio Interfaces

4:55 pm
Spyridon Varlas
Research Associate

Tuning the Membrane Properties of Functional Polymersomes Developed by Aqueous Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly (PISA)

5:25 pm

Getting into shape: Precision polymer nanoparticles

5:55 pm

Session Ends

PM Session Chairs

Ksenia Takhistova

CME Co-Chair & Gen. Counsel

IP Attorney
LCM Biosensor Chief Legal Officer

George Rodriguez

ACS Fellow

Argeni Director
PMSE and POLY Member

PM session speakers

Stephanie Vivod

NASA Glenn Research Center

Chemical Engineer
Aerospace Polymeric Materials

Stuart Rowan

University of Chicago

Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering
Professor of Chemistry

Matthew Tirrell

University of Chicago

Dean, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Nuno Almeida

Michigan State University

Research Associate

Vivian Feig


Schmidt Science Fellow
Postdoctoral Researcher

Zhenan Bao

Stanford University

K.K. Lee Professor

Spyridon Varlas

University of Sheffield

Research Associate
Armes Group

Rachel O’Reilly

University of Birmingham


Day 2 AM - I&EC 005C

Industry Day

AM Session Schedule

8:00 am - 10:00 am

STEM Talks

NASA Industry Morning


James Green, George Rodriguez, Steve Barnett

8:00 am
Sunita Satyapal
Director Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office

U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Perspectives

8:10 am
Susanne E. Bauer
Physical Scientist

Chemistry and the Climate's Backseat Drivers

8:15 am
Patrick Taylor
Climate Research Scientist

Arctic Climate Change, Clouds, and Chemistry

8:20 am
James Green
Sr Advisor, Former Chief Scientist

Panel on Sustainability and the Chemistries of Climate

8:50 am
Anne Shim
Senior Director CCMD Research & Development

Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Future in Life Sciences

8:55 am
Tara Ruttley
Chief Scientist, Orbital Reef

Accelerating the Future Living in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Economy

9:00 am
Jon Arenberg
Chief Mission Architect

Chemistry and the Next Great Leap in Sustainable Space Living

9:05 am
Tara Ruttley
Chief Scientist, Orbital Reef

Panel Discussion on Advanced Materials and Living in Space

9:40 am


9:55 am
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

CME NASA Lectures

10:00 am
Kate Calvin
Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor

Keynote: Chemistry, Climate, Sustainability, and Space

10:30 am
Sir Fraser Stoddart
2016 Nobel Laureate

Sustainability Through Chemistry Away-from-Equilibrium

11:00 am
Chad Mirkin

Exploring the “Matterverse” with Nanomaterial Megalibraries

11:30 am
James Green
Sr Advisor, Former Chief Scientist

Shaping a Sustainable Era of Space Exploration with Perseverance and Ingenuity

12:00 pm

Session Ends

AM Session Chairs

James Green


Sr Advisor, Former Chief Scientist
2018 STEM Leadership Awardee for Propelling Science

George Rodriguez

ACS Fellow

Argeni Director
PMSE and POLY Member

Steve Barnett

CME Board Member

Atty. Environmental Health & Safety

AM session speakers

Sunita Satyapal

U.S. Department of Energy DOE

Director Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office

Susanne E. Bauer

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Physical Scientist

Patrick Taylor

NASA Langley Research Center

Climate Research Scientist

Anne Shim


Senior Director CCMD Research & Development

Tara Ruttley

Blue Origin

Chief Scientist, Orbital Reef

Jon Arenberg

Northrop Grumman

Chief Mission Architect
Science and Robotic Missions

Kate Calvin


Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor

Sir Fraser Stoddart

Northwestern University

2016 Nobel Laureate

Chad Mirkin

Northwestern University


James Green


Sr Advisor, Former Chief Scientist
2018 STEM Leadership Awardee for Propelling Science

STEM Supporters

2022 Symposium Endorsements: Presidential Event (PRES) of 2022 ACS President Angela Wilson. Technical Division Co-Sponsors to be announced. Thank you to the volunteers of Norwich University in Vermont.

Previous Symposium Endorsements: Presidential Event (PRES) of 2021 ACS President H.N. Cheng, 2019 ACS President Bonnie Charpentier, 2020 ACS President Luis Echegoyen and ACS national meeting all-time record of 31 ACS Technical Division Co-Sponsors in 2019: AGFD, AGRO, ANYL, BIOT, BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CATL, CELL, CHAL, CHAS, CHED, CINF, COLL, COMP, ENFL, ENVR, FLUO, GEOC, HIST, INOR, I&EC, MEDI, NUCL, ORGN, PHYS, PMSE, POLY, PROF, SCHB, TOXI

CME NASA Symposium, Free Sustainability Conference and Awards Dinner

Register Now!