2024 POLY: CME NASA Symposium and Earth & Space Sustainability
- 22 days
ACS Fall 2024 Denver

2024 POLY: CME NASA Symposium and Earth & Space Sustainability

Talks by PMSE Student & Mentor Awardees

A POLY PMSE CME Collaboration since 2017

2024. 08. 18-20

ACS President Recommended Event

Schedule August 18-20



Event times (ET)

8:50am - 12:00pm

Elevating Advanced Materials

2:00pm - 5:30pm

NASA Polymers and CME PMSE Awards to Students and Mentors

8:00am - 11:30 am

CME Space Chemistry Roundtable

2:00pm - 6:00pm

Earth & Space Sustainability

8:25 am - 12:00 am

CME Nobel Lectures

Event fees

POLY-sponsored CME NASA Events--Pre-register at ACS.org.




Don’t forget to register for the ACS Fall 2024 Meeting in Denver at www.ACS.org and join 15,000 of the world’s top Chemistry professionals and students. The fascinating POLY 006: CME NASA Symposium “Elevating Polymer Chemistry to New Heights-Polymers for Future Space Missions” is the result of the collaboration of the Polymer Chemistry Division (POLY) as the sponsor and the Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering as a co-sponsor. This PRES event is packed with cutting-edge talks and panel discussions:

8/18 Day 1 AM – Sessions on Advanced Materials, NASA Day. Venue: Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Ballroom F.

8/18 Day 1 PM – 2024 PMSE Student & Mentor Awards. There will be talks by the winning teams from Stanford University and TU Eindhoven. Venue: Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Ballroom F.

8/19 Day 2 AM – Space Chemistry Roundtable with the participation of experts from Industry, Academia and Government. Venue: Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Ballroom E. (This session is by invitation only).

8/19 Day 2 PM – Earth & Space Sustainability Summit featuring speakers from Northwestern University, ISS National Laboratory, NASA, Deloitte, Celanese, Northrop Grumman and NREL. Venue: Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Ballroom F.

8/20 Day 3 AM Nobel Lectures featuring 2022 Nobel Laureate Carolyn Bertozzi, 2018 Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 9th Director Martin Keller. Venue: Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Ballroom F (this may change, check the ACS app).

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together industry, academia, and government to enlarge the global STEM talent pool. Sessions will focus on sustainable cutting-edge innovation in the chemical sciences to advance human space travel to the solar system and beyond. Event talks translate research results into new knowledge to improve the lives of people worldwide.

This symposium has attracted numerous brilliant new members to the ACS community for its focus on inspirational research, industry, and new career paths. Over 4,300 STEM professionals and students have attended past events. Since 2017, this symposium has been endorsed by all ACS Presidents and the leaders of up to 32 ACS technical divisions.

To help determine the room size and to keep up with schedule changes, speakers, venues and social activities, please register using the button above.

Welcome Remarks

Mary Carroll

American Chemical Society


Dorothy Phillips

American Chemical Society



Carolyn Bertozzi

Stanford University

2022 Nobel Laureate

Martin Keller



On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 9:50 am – 12:00 pm, the STEM Leadership Awards will be presented to Carolyn Bertozzi, Nobel Laureate in 2022, Professor at Stanford University, and Martin Keller, 9th Director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Bertozzi’s lecture is on “Therapeutic targeting of mucin glycoproteins” and Keller’s talk covers “Innovative chemistry for a clean energy future.” Other session lecturers include 2018 Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold presenting “Innovation by evolution: Bringing new chemistry to life” and Nanovaccine Institute Director Balaji Narasimhan covering “Room temperature-stable nanovaccines: A breakthrough in healthcare.”

PMSE Student & Mentor Awardees

Pamela Cai

University of Chicago

Postdoctoral Fellow

Andrew Spakowitz

Stanford University


Laura Rijns

Stanford University


Patricia Dankers

Eindhoven University of Technology


Session Presiders

Michael Meador

NASA Glenn

Ret. Program Element Manager
2020 POLY Chair

Ksenia Takhistova

LCM Biosensor Chief Legal Officer

CME Co-Chair & General Counsel
ACS Member

George Rodriguez

ACS Fellow

Argeni Director
PMSE and POLY Member

Shah Karim

SafeRock CEO

CME Co-Chair
Innovation Fellow Columbia University

Day 1 - August 18 AM Session

Elevating Advanced Materials--Plaza Ballroom F

AM Session Schedule

8:50 am - 12:00 pm


Elevating Advanced Materials


Shah Karim

8:45 AM
Shah Karim
CME Co-Chair

Opening Remarks

8:50 AM
Christopher M. Bates
Associate Professor

Accelerated discovery of block copolymers using automated chromatography

9:20 AM
Austin Evans
Assistant Professor

Accessing next-generation polyolefins by electrochemical postsynthetic modification

9:50 AM


10:00 AM
David Ginger
Adjunct Professor

Conjugated polymers as mixed Ionic electronic conductors: From neuromorphic transistors to energy storage

10:30 AM
Seth Marder

The Design, Synthesis and Application of Molecular Dopants for Electronics and Opto-electronics

11:00 AM
Jihye Park
Assistant Professor

Tuning properties of 2D conductive metal-organic frameworks from molecular approaches

11:30 AM
Stuart Rowan
Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering

Accessing pluripotent materials through tempering of dynamic covalent polymer networks

12:00 PM
Shah Karim
CME Co-Chair

Closing Remarks

AM Session Speakers

Christopher M. Bates

UC Santa Barbara

Associate Professor

Austin Evans

CME Board Member

Assistant Professor
University of Florida

David Ginger

University of Washington

Adjunct Professor

Seth Marder

University of Colorado


Jihye Park

University of Colorado

Assistant Professor

Stuart Rowan

University of Chicago

Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering
Professor of Chemistry

Day 1 - August 18 PM Session

NASA Research, CME PMSE Student & Mentor Awards--Plaza Ballroom F

PM Session Schedule

2:00 PM - 5:30 PM


NASA Research and CME PMSE Student & Mentor Awards


Ksenia Takhistova, George Rodriguez

2:00 PM
Ksenia Takhistova
CME Co-Chair & General Counsel

Introductory Remarks

2:01 PM

In-space manufacturing for sustained human exploration

2:30 PM
Emilie Siochi
Research Materials Engineer

Polymers and composites for aerospace applications

3:00 PM
Stephanie Vivod
Chemical Engineer

Polymer aerogels for lunar applications and beyond

3:30 PM


3:40 PM
Pamela Cai
Postdoctoral Fellow

Polymer physics driven design and understanding of biological materials

4:05 PM

Active DNA olympic hydrogels modulated by topoisomerase activity

4:30 PM
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

CME & PMSE Present the ACS Global Outstanding Student & Mentor Awards in Polymer Science and Engineering

4:40 PM

Design rules for supramolecular hydrogel-cell interactions: From growing tissue towards bio-electronic applications

5:05 PM

Complex tissue-inspired materials based on supramolecular polymers

5:30 PM
Ksenia Takhistova
CME Co-Chair & General Counsel

Closing Remarks

PM Session Speakers

Jessica Koehne

NASA Ames Research Center


Emilie Siochi

NASA Langley Research Center

Research Materials Engineer

Stephanie Vivod

NASA Glenn Research Center

Chemical Engineer
Aerospace Polymeric Materials

Pamela Cai

University of Chicago

Postdoctoral Fellow

Andrew Spakowitz

Stanford University


Laura Rijns

Stanford University


Patricia Dankers

Eindhoven University of Technology


Day 2 - 8/19 Space Chemistry Roundtable

Plaza Ballroom E (by invitation only)

Session Schedule

8:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Space Chemistry Roundtable


Ksenia Takhistova, Shah Karim

8:00 AM
Ksenia Takhistova
CME Co-Chair & General Counsel

Space Chemistry Roundtable Program by Invitation Only

8:05 AM
Chyree Batton
Commercial Innovation Strategy Lead - Advanced Materials

Michael Roberts
Chief Scientific Officer

Advancing the Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) economy

8:30 AM
Jana Stoudemire
Director, In-Space Manufacturing

Ken Savin
Chief Scientific Officer

Ferenc Darvas
President and Chairman

Panel discussion on the fast-growing space age economy

10:00 AM


10:10 AM
Jana Stoudemire
Director, In-Space Manufacturing

Panel Discussion on Roadmap Action Items

11:30 AM
Ksenia Takhistova
CME Co-Chair & General Counsel

Closing Remarks


Chyree Batton

Axiom Space

Commercial Innovation Strategy Lead - Advanced Materials

Jana Stoudemire

Axiom Space

Director, In-Space Manufacturing

Ken Savin


Chief Scientific Officer

Ferenc Darvas

Thales Nanotechnology

President and Chairman

Day 2 - August 20 PM Session

Earth & Space Sustainability--Plaza Ballroom F

PM Session Schedule

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Earth & Space Sustainability


Ksenia Takhistova, Shah Karim

2:00 PM
Ksenia Takhistova
CME Co-Chair & General Counsel

Introductory Remarks

2:01 PM
Chad Mirkin

Changing the pace of materials discovery through nanomaterial megalibraries

2:25 PM
Michael Roberts
Chief Scientific Officer

International Space Station National Laboratory: Elevating chemistry to new heights

2:45 PM
Kristin Fabre
Deputy Chief Scientist

NASA science for human exploration

3:00 PM
Diana Ly
Deputy Director, Biological and Physical Sciences

How space biology enables exploration

3:15 PM
Kristin Fabre
Deputy Chief Scientist

Enabling astronaut health & performance for space exploration missions

3:30 PM
Kristin Fabre
Deputy Chief Scientist

Panel Discussion on Space Sustainability: Academia, NASA and ISS National Lab

4:00 PM


4:10 PM
Shah Karim
CME Co-Chair


4:11 PM
Katrina Knauer
Researcher IV

Exploring material circularity in space: A paradigm shift in sustainable space exploration

4:30 PM
Robert Kumpf
Managing Director

Strength in numbers: Reducing Scope 3 emissions in the chemical industry

4:50 PM
Kevin Fogash
Sr. Director

Sustainability at scale: Practical innovation at Celanese

5:10 PM
Jon Arenberg
Chief Mission Architect

Polymers and space astronomy: Past, present and future

5:30 PM
Deborah Ryan
Head of Emissions Insight

Panel Discussion on Large-Scale Earth & Space Sustainability: NREL, Celanese, Northrop Grumman, and Deloitte

6:00 PM
Shah Karim
CME Co-Chair

Closing Remarks

PM Session Speakers

Chad Mirkin

Northwestern University


Michael Roberts

International Space Station National Laboratory (CASIS)

Chief Scientific Officer

Kristin Fabre

NASA Johnson Space Center

Deputy Chief Scientist
Human Research Program

Diana Ly


Deputy Director, Biological and Physical Sciences

Katrina Knauer


Researcher IV
Chemical Engineering

Robert Kumpf


Managing Director

Kevin Fogash


Sr. Director
Process Technology and Product Stewardship

Jon Arenberg

Northrop Grumman

Chief Mission Architect
Science and Robotic Missions

Deborah Ryan

S&P Global Commodity Insights

Head of Emissions Insight

Day 3 - August 20 AM Session

CME Lectures

AM Session Schedule

8:20 AM - 12:00 PM


Bringing together Industry, Academia, Government


Shah Karim, George Rodriguez

8:20 AM
Shah Karim
CME Co-Chair

Introductory Remarks

8:25 AM
James Hedrick
CTO and Founder

Transforming thermosets into UV curable resins for additive production

8:50 AM
Joseph Luther
Senior Research Fellow

Developing and testing perovskite solar cells as space energy source

9:15 AM
Teresa Barnes
Principal Scientist

Photovoltaic module materials: Lessons from Earth

9:40 AM


9:50 AM
Balaji Narasimhan
Distinguished Professor

Room temperature-stable nanovaccines: A breakthrough in healthcare

10:20 AM
Frances Arnold
2018 Nobel Laureate

Innovation by evolution: Bringing new chemistry to life

10:50 AM

Innovative chemistry for a clean energy future.

11:20 AM
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

CME STEM Leadership Awards Presentation

11:30 AM
Carolyn Bertozzi
2022 Nobel Laureate

Therapeutic targeting of mucin glycoproteins

12:00 PM
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

Closing Remarks

AM Session Speakers

James Hedrick

Azul 3D

CTO and Founder

Joseph Luther


Senior Research Fellow

Teresa Barnes


Principal Scientist

Balaji Narasimhan

Iowa State University

Distinguished Professor

Frances Arnold


2018 Nobel Laureate
2019 Honoree for Inspiring Women in Science

Martin Keller



Carolyn Bertozzi

Stanford University

2022 Nobel Laureate


8/18-20 CME NASA Symposium Schedule

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Quick-Reference Flyer with Schedules and Speaker Info

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