2023 CME NASA Symposium and CME NASA Earth & Space Sustainability (CNESS)
ACS Fall 2023
San Francisco

2023 CME NASA Symposium and CME NASA Earth & Space Sustainability (CNESS)

Sponsored by POLY

POLY 023

2023. 08. 14-16 In-Person and Online

Schedule August 14 - 16


San Francisco Marriott Marquis

Event times (ET)

8:00am - 12:00pm

Propelling Life Sciences and Advanced Materials

2:00pm - 5:30pm

Pluripotent Polymers and CME PMSE Awards to Students and Mentors

8:00am - 12:00pm

Bringing Together Industry, Academia, Government

2:00pm - 6:00pm

Advancing Sustainable Innovation

12:30pm - 5:30pm

Sustainable Living: Earth & Space

Event fees

POLY-sponsored CME NASA Events--Pre-register at ACS.org. Reception--Only for www.cme-stem.org registrants


The Polymer Chemistry Division (POLY) is the sponsor of CME NASA Events at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis during three days:

8/14-15 CME NASA Symposium “Advancing Materials for Human Space Exploration” featuring 2001 & 2022 Nobel Laureate Barry Sharpless talk on “Click Chemistry: New Dimensions” and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 13th Director Kimberly Budil, among other luminaries

8/16 PM CME NASA Earth & Space Sustainability Summit (CNESS) featuring NetZero 2050 talks by executives at Air Products, BASF, ExxonMobil, GSK, Northrop Grumman, McKinsey, Axiom Space.

The CME NASA STEM Events bring together industry, academia, government, and the public to enlarge the global STEM talent pool. Events will feature the sustainability of cutting-edge innovations in the chemical sciences to advance human space travel to the solar system and beyond, and translate them into new knowledge to improve the lives of people and make their dreams a reality. Three days packed with inspirational research, industry, jobs, and new STEM career paths. Over 3,200 STEM professionals and students have attended past CME NASA Symposiums from 2017 to 2022.


K. Barry Sharpless

Scripps Research Institute

2001 & 2022 Nobel Laureate

Kim Budil

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

13th Director

This fall CME STEM Leadership Awards will be presented to Barry Sharpless, Nobel Laureate in 2001 and 2022, Professor at The Scripps Research Institute and Kim Budil, 13th Director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Sharpless is arguably the greatest scientist alive today. Of 959 awardees since 1901, only five have received the Nobel Prize twice. Marie Curie (physicist and chemist), Linus Pauling (chemist), John Bardeen (physicist), Frederick Sanger (bio-chemist), and Barry Sharpless (chemist). Budil directs the groundbreaking activities of a most distinguished center of scientific excellence.

Session Presiders

Ksenia Takhistova

CME Co-Chair & Gen. Counsel

IP Attorney
LCM Biosensor Chief Legal Officer

Steve Barnett

CME Board Member

Atty. Environmental Health & Safety

George Rodriguez

ACS Fellow

Argeni Director
PMSE and POLY Member

Shah Karim

CME Co-Chair

SafeRock CEO

Day 1 - August 14 AM Session

Propelling Life Sciences and Advanced Materials

AM Session Schedule

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
SF Marriott Marquis, Salon 7


Propelling Life Sciences and Advanced Materials


Ksenia Takhistova, Shah Karim, George Rodriguez

8:00 AM
Steve Barnett
Atty. Environmental Health & Safety

Opening Remarks

8:01 AM
Bo-Yu Yang

Mechanism of Porous Se@SiO2 Nanospheres inducing cuproptosis in CRPC

8:20 AM
Tane Boghozian
Senior Research Scientist

Development of Additive Manufacturing Technologies for 3D Printing of Spacecraft Heat Shields

8:45 AM
Cameroun Sherrard
3D Printed Electronics Engineer and SIBatt-3D Project Lead

NASA's SIBatt-3D: In-Space and On-Surface 3D Printing Sodium-Ion Batteries from ISRU Materials

9:10 AM
Ciera Cipriani
Graduate Research Fellow

3D Printing Polyimide Aerogels for Hierarchical Porosity

9:35 AM
Steve Barnett
Atty. Environmental Health & Safety


9:55 AM
Kirk Schanze

Luminescent Coatings for Aerodynamic Applications

10:20 AM
Burcu Gurkan

Sorbents for CO2 Capture from Air

10:45 AM
Mahmooda Sultana
Instrument Scientist

Parts-per-Billion Detection of Gases and Volatiles with Hybrid Multifunctional Nanosensor Platform

Steven Snyder
Research Engineer

AeroFusion: Data Fusion and Uncertainty Quantification for Entry Vehicles


12:00 PM
Steve Barnett
Atty. Environmental Health & Safety

Session Adjourns

AM Session Speakers

Bo-Yu Yang

Capital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospital


Tane Boghozian


Senior Research Scientist

Cameroun Sherrard


3D Printed Electronics Engineer and SIBatt-3D Project Lead

Ciera Cipriani

NASA, Pentzer Lab

Graduate Research Fellow

Kirk Schanze

University of Texas


Burcu Gurkan

Case Western Reserve University


Mahmooda Sultana

NASA Goddard

Instrument Scientist
Planetary Environments Laboratory

Steven Snyder


Research Engineer

Day 1 - August 14 PM Session

Pluripotent Polymers and CME PMSE Awards to Students and Mentors

PM Session Schedule

2:00 AM - 5:30 PM
SF Marriott Marquis, Salon 7


Pluripotent Polymers and CME PMSE Awards to Students and Mentors


Ksenia Takhistova, Shah Karim, George Rodriguez

2:00 PM

Introductory Remarks

2:01 PM
Stuart Rowan
Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering

Dynamic Networks as a Route to Access Pluripotent Materials

2:30 PM
Cheol Park
Senior Researcher

Multifunctional Structural Materials for Sustainable Human Exploration in Extreme Space Environments

3:00 PM
Steve Barnett
Atty. Environmental Health & Safety


3:10 PM
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

CME PMSE Award Presentation to Students and Mentors

3:25 PM
Alexandra Easley
Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow

Design of Macromolecular Radicals for Next Generation Energy Storage

3:55 PM

Toward Sustainable Organic Polymer Batteries

4:25 PM
Timur Ashirov
Postdoctoral Researcher

Fast Light-Switchable Polymeric Carbon Nitride and Adsorptive Membranes for Tunable Gas Separation

4:55 PM
Ali Coskun

Supramolecular Sython Approach for High Capacity Electrodes in Lithium-ion Batteries

5:25 PM

Closing Remarks

PM Session Speakers

Stuart Rowan

University of Chicago

Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering
Professor of Chemistry

Cheol Park

NASA, Langley Research Center

Senior Researcher

Alexandra Easley

Texas A&M

Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow

Jodie Lutkenhaus

Texas A&M

William and Ruth Neely Faculty Fellow

Timur Ashirov

University of Fribourg

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ali Coskun

University of Fribourg


Day 2 - August 15 AM Session

Bringing together Industry, Academia, Government

AM Session Schedule

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
SF Marriott Marquis, Salon 7


Bringing together Industry, Academia, Government


Ksenia Takhistova, Shah Karim, George Rodriguez

8:00 AM

Introductory Remarks

8:01 AM
Anna Douglas
Co-Founder & CEO

A Sustainable Approach to Carbon Management to Enable Our Energy and Economic Transition

8:25 AM
Tony Go
Chief Engineer

Advanced Recycling - Meeting the Needs of Plastic Recycling Today and Tomorrow

8:50 AM
Jon Arenberg
Chief Mission Architect

Polymers And Their Roles In Space Astronomy

9:15 AM
Benjamin Knudsen
Vice President of Research North America

Harnessing the Power of Data through QURIOSITY

9:40 AM
Shah Karim
SafeRock CEO

Panel on Advanced Technologies

10:05 AM


10:20 AM
K. Barry Sharpless
2001 & 2022 Nobel Laureate

Click Chemistry: New Directions

10:50 AM
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

CME STEM Leadership Awards Presentation

11:00 AM
Kim Budil
13th Director

Accelerated Development of Advanced Materials for Diverse Mission Needs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

11:30 AM
Chyree Batton
Commercial Innovation Strategy Lead - Advanced Materials

Chemistry Beyond Gravity: Unlocking the Potential of Space Chemistry for Exploration and Industry

AM Session Speakers

Anna Douglas


Co-Founder & CEO

Tony Go

ExxonMobil Chemical

Chief Engineer

Jon Arenberg

Northrop Grumman

Chief Mission Architect
Science and Robotic Missions

Benjamin Knudsen


Vice President of Research North America

Ksenia Takhistova

CME Co-Chair & Gen. Counsel

IP Attorney
LCM Biosensor Chief Legal Officer

George Rodriguez

ACS Fellow

Argeni Director
PMSE and POLY Member

K. Barry Sharpless

Scripps Research Institute

2001 & 2022 Nobel Laureate

Kim Budil

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

13th Director

Chyree Batton

Axiom Space

Commercial Innovation Strategy Lead - Advanced Materials

Day 2 - August 15 PM Session

Advancing Sustainable Innovation

PM Session Schedule

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
SF Marriott Marquis, Salon 7


Advancing Sustainable Innovation


Ksenia Takhistova, Shah Karim, George Rodriguez

2:00 PM

Introductory Remarks

2:01 PM
Zhenan Bao
K.K. Lee Professor

Bioelectronics Applications of Skin-Inspired Electronics

2:25 PM
Kamil Godula
Associate Professor and Co-Director, Glycobiology Research and Training Center

Hidden in Plain Slime: Finding Inspiration in Mucus for Building Synthetic Biological Interfaces

2:50 PM

Informatics-driven design of polymers for extreme conditions

3:15 PM
Yunsong Xie
Data Scientist

Polymer Structure Property with Machine Learning Models

3:40 PM


3:50 PM
Paul Anastas
Chemistry for the Environment Chair

Greenchem Innovation: What is Next?

4:15 PM
Jennifer Gustetic
Director, Early-Stage Innovations & Partnerships

Nurturing Innovation in Sustainability through Early Stage Partnership Development at NASA

4:40 PM

Plant Molecular Farming To Support Human Life On The Moon, Mars, and Beyond

5:05 PM
Elizabeth Barrios
Avionics Materials Engineer/Failure Analyst

Using Lessons Learned to Create a Safer, More Sustainable Future in Space

5:30 PM

Panel Discussion on Sustainability

5:55 PM

Closing Remarks

PM Session Speakers

Zhenan Bao

Stanford University

K.K. Lee Professor

Kamil Godula

University of California San Diego

Associate Professor and Co-Director, Glycobiology Research and Training Center

Rampi Ramprasad

Georgia Institute of Technology


Paul Anastas

Yale University

Chemistry for the Environment Chair

Jennifer Gustetic


Director, Early-Stage Innovations & Partnerships
Space Technology Mission Directorate

Karen McDonald

University of California, Davis


Elizabeth Barrios


Avionics Materials Engineer/Failure Analyst

Shah Karim

CME Co-Chair

SafeRock CEO

Yunsong Xie


Data Scientist

Day 3 - CME NASA Earth & Space Sustainability (CNESS) Summit

Session Schedule

12:30 pm - 5:30 pm
SF Marriott Marquis, Golden Gate A
Foothill F


Sustainable Living: Earth & Space


George Rodriguez, Shah Karim, Ksenia Takhistova, Steve Barnett

12:30 PM
Paul Anastas
Chemistry for the Environment Chair

Keynote Speaker: Accelerating the Sustainable Space Age

1:00 PM
Christopher Love
Chemical Engineering Professor

MIT Global Discovery and Manufacturing of Biologic Medicines

1:05 PM
Varnika Roy
Sr Director Head of Analytical and Materials Science

GSK Vaccines Supply Chain and CMC

1:10 PM

Panel Discussion on Sustainability in Life Sciences

2:00 PM
Benjamin Knudsen
Vice President of Research North America

Net Zero 2050, White Biotechnology and Super Computers

2:10 PM
Tony Go
Chief Engineer

Energy Transition Challenges and Opportunities

2:20 PM
Shah Karim
SafeRock CEO

Panel Discussion on Industry Sustainability

3:00 PM


3:20 Jon Arenberg
Jon Arenberg
Chief Mission Architect

Space Living: The Next Big Leap in Sustainability

3:30 PM

Creating Thriving Ecosystems for Novel Technologies

3:40 PM
Bruce Pittman
VP of Development

Leveraging Disruptive Technologies for Space Exploration

3:50 PM
George Rodriguez
Argeni Director

Panel Discussion on Sustainable Innovation

4:15 PM
Elizabeth Barrios
Avionics Materials Engineer/Failure Analyst

Engineering Safety and Sustainability in Space Materials

4:45 PM
Jana Stoudemire
Director, In-Space Manufacturing

Advancing the Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Economy

5:00 PM
Jana Stoudemire
Director, In-Space Manufacturing

Panel Discussion on the Fast-Growing Space Age Economy

5:30 PM
Steve Barnett
Atty. Environmental Health & Safety

Closing Remarks


Paul Anastas

Yale University

Chemistry for the Environment Chair

Christopher Love

MIT Koch Institute

Chemical Engineering Professor

Varnika Roy


Sr Director Head of Analytical and Materials Science
MSAT – Pharma Supply Chain

Ksenia Takhistova

CME Co-Chair & Gen. Counsel

IP Attorney
LCM Biosensor Chief Legal Officer

Benjamin Knudsen


Vice President of Research North America

Tony Go

ExxonMobil Chemical

Chief Engineer

Shah Karim

CME Co-Chair

SafeRock CEO

Jon Arenberg

Northrop Grumman

Chief Mission Architect
Science and Robotic Missions

Brooke Stokes



Bruce Pittman


VP of Development

George Rodriguez

ACS Fellow

Argeni Director
PMSE and POLY Member

Elizabeth Barrios


Avionics Materials Engineer/Failure Analyst

Jana Stoudemire

Axiom Space

Director, In-Space Manufacturing

Steve Barnett

CME Board Member

Atty. Environmental Health & Safety


8/14-16 CME NASA Daily

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Quick-Reference Flyer with Schedules for CME NASA Event Days 1 through 3

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