2025. 01. 072025. 02. 15
ACS Fall 2025 Washington DCA New Game in the Epoxy World
Penn Club of New York
30-W 44th St, NY
Event times (ET)
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00pm
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event fees
Check for early-bird rates
How is the world’s leading epoxy manufacturer planning to meet the needs of its customers worldwide? What are the key factors shaping the market?
This talk will cover the successful integration of the leading global epoxy business with the world’s chlor-alkali through a cohesive vision. It will also describe the strategies that the new leadership is implementing to extend its competitive position through commercialization and innovation to sharpen its delivery of solutions for the global epoxy business.
Olin added Dow’s Epoxy business to its chlorine envelope in 2015, making Olin Epoxy the No. 1 global supplier of epoxy materials. Backed by more than 60 years of continuing innovation, Olin serves a diverse array of industries and applications including Wind Energy, Electronics, Transportation, Consumer Goods, Engineering and Infrastructure. As one of the most vertically integrated epoxy suppliers, Olin is prioritizing its low cost position with innovation and a global reach to drive value creation across the entire chlorine envelope.
Join us on June 7 to hear one of the most influential industry leaders discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead for the Olin global epoxy business.