2025. 03. 06
Webinar OnlyThe Next Wave in Chemicals M&A

Online event
1 pm - 2 pm
Free webinar
In the annals of civilization there have been certain times in which science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) have played an especially critical role in solving humanity’s most daunting challenges. Now is such a time and the biological sciences and associated technologies, through the sequencing of the COVID-19 virus genome and vaccine development, are at the center of the disease control required to reopen the world economy.
Genomics and vaccines are just the start. Advances in biological sciences, combined with the accelerating development of computing, data processing, and artificial intelligence are fueling a new wave of innovation that could have significant impact in healthcare, agriculture, consumer goods, personal care, transportation and energy. Join us to learn the colossal scale of this Biorevolution and the potential implications in supply and value chains for the next 20 years.