2025. 01. 072025. 02. 15
ACS Fall 2025 Washington DCWhat’s Next in Crop Science From Bayer and CropLife
Penn Club of New York
30-W 44th St, NY
Event times (ET)
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00pm
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Presentation (webcast)
Event fees
Check for early-bird rates
This meeting features two speakers who will explore the far-reaching efforts of CropLife America and Bayer CropScience. First, Jay Vroom will give his dual insights as both an active farmer and the CEO of the premier USA trade organization in the crop technology space.
First Speaker, Jay Vroom: CropLife America
UN projections for world food demand through 2050 are daunting for global agriculture. The only way to meet the demand is through extensive investment in science and innovation in the crop sector. Global Crop protection and biotech/seeds companies are reinvesting a larger percentage of annual sales in R&D than any other sector of food and agriculture.
Despite a recent value decline, the future for agriculture and innovation companies is bright with amazing offerings in combination with advances in precision farming technology, modern fertilizer strategies, and information management systems.
Prior to a panel discussion, Dr. Iain Kelly from Bayer CropScience in RTP will profile the changing regulatory landscape and the new approaches needed to address new challenges and simultaneously engender public trust.
Second Speaker, Iain Kelly: Bayer CropScience Population growth and dietary changes demand agricultural efficiency. In the face of limited or diminishing natural resources, the agriculture industry is tackling this challenge using diverse technologies to provide integrated solutions to farmers and producers. These technologies range from seed improvements through genetic modification to the application of synthetic crop protection chemicals and the use of biological solutions, all of which are dependent on innovation, novel approaches, and cutting-edge science.
As technology changes and improves, the testing required to assure a safe food supply must develop in parallel. While testing methodology and protocol development have traditionally been the purview of the government, academia, and the regulated industry, increased public demand for participation, understanding, and transparency in the use of new technology has added additional responsibilities and costs to the regulatory process.