2025. 03. 06
Webinar OnlyThe Next Wave in Chemicals M&A

Penn Club of New York
30-W 44th St, NY
Simulcast in Dusseldorf, Germany, at Evonik's Essen Campus
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00pm
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Check for early-bird rates
Are Argentina and Brazil adjusting for a comeback?
How powerful is the Chinese influence on growth?
Is now the time to capture opportunities?
A new era for business is emerging South of the border. With a combined population and gross national product similar to that of Brazil, the fastest growing economies in the region – Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Colombia – have formed the Pacific Alliance, a trade bloc that boasts investor-friendly policies.
Brazil, the largest member of Mercosur, after coming to grips with the consequences of an expanding government role, is undergoing a fundamental policy shift that should benefit business in the medium and long term as the country blooms into the fifth economy in the world by 2030.
In addition, as China establishes itself as South America’s salient marketer and investor (energy, mining, agro, M&A, infrastructure), the USA and Europe are trying to strengthen ties with a region critical for growth, trade, and resources.
Don’t miss the expert analysis of changes that savvy strategists and investors can use to identify the opportunities created by the new trade dynamics, the competition among the largest economies, and the promise of a growing Latin American population estimated to reach one billion people by mid-century.