S&P Global IHS, CropLife America, NASA: Accelerating Food Security + CME 2MT
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S&P Global IHS, CropLife America, NASA: Accelerating Food Security + CME 2MT

2022. 05. 05 11 am - 12 pm ET


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2022. 06. 16

Slide Presentation

Food Security Slides

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The epic food shortages of 2022 show the challenges of the world. CropLife America CEO Chris Novak, S&P Global IHS Markit Expert Jonathan Shoham and NASA Unit Director Michael Puma, share their insights on this critical topic.



On-line webinar

Event times (ET)

11am - 12 pm

Event fees



The 2022 perfect storm of war, droughts, shortages of food, energy and fertilizers will have reverberations for years to come. Food supply and affordability must be improved through the rapid enhancement of the toolbox for risk management, sustainable innovation and the government policies. The combination of remote sensing, the timely satellite data analysis and the responsible use of crop protection products allows farmers to dramatically increase productivity and grow food for communities around the world. It also protects the environment, helps make food more affordable, and supports farmers’ livelihoods. Learn from an extraordinary panel of experts what the war scenarios and food security future holds.

Underpinning CME’s mission to advance STEM talent leadership, this CME event will feature a student who will present its thesis in two minutes as part of the event introduction. Yale PhD Candidate David Flesher is the First CME 2-minute Thesis (2MT) presenter.

Speakers & Moderator

Chris Novak

CropLife America

President and CEO

Jonathan Shoham

S&P Global-IHS MarkIt

Senior Consultant Analyst

Michael Puma

NASA GISS-Columbia

Unit Director and Research Scientist

Shah Karim

CME Co-Chair

SafeRock CEO

CME 2MT Presenter

David Flesher

Yale University

PhD Candidate
CME 2MT Presenter

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