Events Archive YEAR 2020

NASA: Forward to the Moon with Commercial Partners

2020. 12. 08 11 am - 12 pm ET Webinar Only

Speaker: Dr. James Green, NASA Chief Scientist
Recognizing the Outstanding Student Volunteer: Cicely Schilingford, PhD candidate

ESG Impact on Strategy and Investments

2020. 11. 19 11 am - 12 pm ET Webinar Only

Moderator: Arsenal Capital Patricia Grad. Panelists: DB Taneja, BlackRock DaCunha, Ascend Performance Cartlidge, and SK Capital Dillon - experts in environmental, social and governance (ESG) assessments of companies

Technology to Reopen the World + 2021 Economic Scenarios

2020. 10. 29 1 pm - 2 pm ET Webinar Only

Moderator: Deloitte Vice Chairman Duane Dickson. Panel: Bernstein Vincent Chen, ACC Kevin Swift, Deloitte Shahira Knight.
Experts on the economy, vaccine technology and business strategy. Bonus report on the economy

Growth Plans for the Largest Market Cap USA Chemical Company

2020. 09. 29 11 am - 12 pm ET Webinar Only

Air Products Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi describes the visionary journey to becoming the largest market cap USA chemical company

Medicine to Reopen the World

2020. 07. 23 1 pm - 2 pm ET Webinar Only

COVID-19 is a giant health and economic challenge. Moderated by Deloitte Vice Chairman of Industrials and panel of experts from Johnson & Johnson Head of Biologics, Deloitte Global Chief Economist and Columbia University Pandemic Specialist.

Biorevolution: The Next 20 Years

2020. 06. 25 1 pm - 2 pm ET Webinar Only

McKinsey Sam Samdani moderates panel with McKinsey Partners Michael Chui and Matthias Evers authors of landmark report on the next phase of the Biorevolution

Economic Outlook 2020 & Coronavirus

2020. 02. 11 11:15 am - 2:00 pm ET Penn Club of New York

Chief Economists Kevin Swift (ACC) and Gregory Daco (Oxford Economics, USA) discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy

The Alchemy of Private Equity: Value Curation in the Chemicals Business

2020. 01. 08 11:15 pm - 2:00 pm ET Penn Club of New York

McKinsey's Dr. Sam Samdani moderates panel of experts from Bernstein, SK Capital, Columbia University and SafeRock


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