Events Archive YEAR 2022

2022 CME STEM Leadership Awards

2022. 12. 07 11 am - 2:30 pm ET New York,
Metropolitan Club

10th CME STEM Leadership Awards™ honoring for Outstanding Global Growth: Seifi Ghasemi, Air Products Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, and for Distinction in Diversity and Inclusion: Jim Fitterling, Dow Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

Unleashing the Transformational Power of Diversity in STEM

2022. 11. 10 11 am - 12 pm ET Online Webinar

Industry executives discuss how diversity is an existential requirement for innovation

Space Chemistry Roundtable: In-Space Production

2022. 11. 03 10:30 am - 12 pm ET Webinar Only

Ken Savin, Chief Scientific Officer, Redwire, presents the opportunities for cutting-edge manufacturing in space.

Global Industry & Economic Outlook and USA Demographic Shifts

2022. 10. 05 11 am - 12 pm ET Webinar Only

Kevin Swift, Senior Economist for Global Chemicals at ICIS, discusses the economic tidal wave of demographic shifts

Orbia: Industrial Strength Innovation to Advance Life Around the World

2022. 09. 15 11 am - 2 pm ET Penn Club Luncheon/Webinar

Co-Hosts SafeRock CEO Shah Karim and Argeni Director George Rodriguez welcome the Chairman and the CEO of Orbia (formerly Mexichem)

2022 CME NASA Sustainability Conference

2022. 08. 23 In-Person and Online UChicago Rubenstein Forum
Chicago, Illinois

1st CME NASA Sustainability Conference bringing together industry, academia, government and the public to solve the big challenges of humanity and enlarge the diverse STEM talent pool

Space Chemistry Roundtable

2022. 08. 23 Chicago

Brief description on what the event will be about. who is going to speak…

2022 CME NASA Symposium

2022. 08. 22 2022. 08. 23 In-Person W190a and Online ACS Fall 2022
Chicago, Illinois

5th CME NASA Symposium bringing together industry, academia, government and the public to solve the big challenges of humanity and enlarge the diverse STEM talent pool

Trinseo’s Transformation: Unlocking Bold, Sustainable Solutions

2022. 06. 01 2022. 08. 01 11:00 am - 2:00 pm ET Penn Club of New York

Event held on 6/1. Free recording available until 8/1. Trinseo President & CEO, Frank Bozich discusses the path to transform Trinseo into a specialty solutions provider which starts with a new structure based on technology and commercialization.

Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

2022. 06. 01 2022. 12. 18 New York
metropolitan area (NY-NJ-CT)

A summer research opportunity for college juniors majoring in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering or related fields


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